Transforming Legacy Oracle ERP to Connected Agile Platform

Part 2

Welcome back to Part 2 of our earlier webinar series "Transforming Customer Lifecycle Services for a Fortune 500 Manufacturer" conducted on June 27th.

Part 1 of the webinar series explored key strategies and insights outlined to assist a Fortune 500 Manufacturer deploy microservices architecture to modernize, scale, and efficiently manage their Enterprise service operations to significantly improve CX, Retention, Loyalty, and ROI.

Part 2 of this engaging webinar series addresses the critical challenges 9 out of 10 companies face with their legacy ERP systems and the way forward to transform into a real time data connected agile system for improved CX, Productivity, and Profitability.

Welcome back to Part 2 of our earlier webinar series "Transforming Customer Lifecycle Services for a Fortune 500 Manufacturer" conducted on June 27th.

Part 1 of the webinar series explored key strategies and insights outlined to assist a Fortune 500 Manufacturer deploy microservices architecture to modernize, scale, and efficiently manage their Enterprise service operations to significantly improve CX, Retention, Loyalty, and ROI.

Webinar-Transforming Monolithic Legacy ERP to Connected Agile Platform

Part 2 of this engaging webinar series addresses the critical challenges 9 out of 10 companies face with their legacy ERP systems and the way forward to transform into a real time data connected agile system for improved CX, Productivity, and Profitability.

Most companies continue to struggle with their legacy ERPs that have turned into siloed, disconnected, and obsolete technical liabilities in the futile hope that newer technologies will seamlessly integrate and solve efficiency and productivity issues.

This hindsight only creates more complex monoliths resulting in severe processing lags, operational issues, and data loss - not to mention the huge data integrity and security risks.

In the short-term, companies are left grappling to fire-fight endless issues and manage inefficient data workflows. In the long-term, the companies are rendered technologically incapable to keep pace with the competition, resulting in operational and revenue losses.

As new emerging technologies in advanced forecasting analytics, process automation, and cloud computing shift the business paradigm, companies embracing the digital transformation are far better equipped to make quicker, more informed decisions for significant cost savings, maximized revenue, improved CX and faster ROI.

Do not miss out on this webinar…

If you want to learn more about the definitive transformation journey and the far-reaching benefits and profitability quotient your company can yield.

Achieve Higher ROI From Your Company’s Oracle Investment

In this webinar, two senior rSTAR executives will share their insights into the most common challenges companies face. They will discuss the advantages of moving to a new platform, and how adding a flexible microservices architecture with cloud native apps can successfully cut costs, improve ROI, and extend the functionality of Oracle and many other legacy platforms.

What You Will Learn: Key Insights to Expand Existing Oracle Platforms

  • The challenges inherent in legacy Oracle systems
  • The pros and cons of moving to a completely new, updated system
  • Solutions to extend cloud native functionality to field services, sales and more
  • Real-word examples and best practices from specific projects



Danny Asnani
Vice President, Client Engagement
rSTAR Technologies


Vivek Ahuja
Vice President, Information Technology
rSTAR Technologies

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