Is Your ERP Ready for
Next Year?

Download our ERP End of the Year checklist now.

End-of-year tasks for an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system are of paramount importance, as they play a critical role in ensuring the seamless and accurate functioning of an organization's financial and operational processes.

Download our ERP End of Year Checklist for a streamlined guide of suggested year-end steps to take.

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A Definitive Checklist To ERP Readiness

These tasks encompass activities such as financial reconciliation, inventory valuation, tax compliance, and data archiving. They not only facilitate the preparation of year-end financial statements and tax returns but also help in the identification of trends, insights, and areas for improvement in the business.

Additionally, completing these tasks ensures compliance with regulatory requirements and enhances the overall efficiency and effectiveness of an organization's ERP system, setting the stage for a successful start to the upcoming fiscal year.

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Your Roadmap to ERP-CRM Success

rSTAR: Full-Service Systems Integrator

rSTAR Technologies is a full-service systems integrator specializing in complex projects for asset-intensive industries. We’re Oracle, Microsoft, and Salesforce certified partners, and can provide your company with a detailed roadmap to achieve integration, implementation, or automation success.

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